Beware of scams

We are aware of scams coming from email and social media where people try to impersonate us. We will never ask you for money or your bank details.

Learn more about what to look out for and how to protect yourself

Debt finance

Our Investment Programme supports providers of all types of debt finance to smaller businesses in the UK. We are increasing and diversifying the supply of debt finance.

Supporting providers of debt finance

We support providers of debt finance to smaller businesses in the UK to promote volume and diversity of lending to SMEs by encouraging new entrants and supporting the growth of alternative lenders in the market. There are three areas of this market we support through our Investment Programme: Debt Funds, Structured Capital Solutions and FinTech.

Our Investment Programme is open to applicants that are best able to meet the following four primary objectives:

  • Support the development of diverse debt finance markets available to small and medium sized businesses (Diversification).
  • Mobilise additional funding from private sector sources to support lending to small and medium sized businesses (Leverage).
  • Channel finance to small and medium sized businesses in an effective, appropriate and responsible manner (Effective Deployment).
  • Expand the aggregate amount and/or types of debt funding available to small and medium sized businesses (Additionality).



We are continuing to engage actively with market participants, seeking appropriate opportunities in the FinTech alternative lending sector.

Learn more about FinTech

Debt funds

We focus our efforts on supporting established as well as emerging managers raising funds that lend to smaller, generally higher growth, companies with revenues of up to £100m

Learn more About Debt Funds