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Integrated Graphene

Success Story 14 November 2023

Region/Nation Scotland
Sector Manufacturing
Programme Regional Angels

Based in Stirling, Integrated Graphene is an advanced material supplier that has invented, patented and commercialised a revolutionary design for a manufacturing process to produce a high-performing pure 3D graphene foam, Gii, on any surface, in seconds. Integrated Graphene tailors and enhances Gii for specific applications to enable disruptive manufacturers across industries to develop high-value products of the future.

scientist working with test tubes in a laboratory

As a capital intensive process, funding was needed to develop the new material and commercialise it, hire a team of technical and commercial experts, and to demonstrate scalability and performance. The finance received from Par Equity so far has allowed the company to put in place an expert team, and buy and install equipment required to support fast growth. To date, revenues from its novel material are growing by 250% year-on-year, with plans to expand internationally.